Individual Session
Love yourself, love yourself immensely, and in this love your pride, your ego and all illusions will disappear. And when they have disappeared, your love will begin to reach other people. And it will not be a relationship, but a sharing. It will not be a relationship between an object and an object, a dissolution, a union. It will not be feverish; it will be a quiet passion. It will be warm and fresh at the same time.
It will give you the first taste of the paradox of life.
~ Osho
*Ashik is currently on a sabbatical and not taking bookings at this time.
What to expect
An Individual Session with Ashik is a journey to self love; it is a journey to discover, accept and let go of social conditioning, pressure, contractions and limitations that can keep you stuck in the same patterns. However, patterns are often in place for a reason and it is acknowledging their purpose and accepting them, that can help us in letting go of them if they are no longer of service.
It is an opportunity to solve things that aren’t solved in groups or workshops.
Ashik holds a safe space, with an awareness and consideration of each individual’s traumas and limitations. The pace of sessions are led mostly by the client and you are encouraged to take risks, to be free and express yourself authentically. You will have the opportunity to discover and develop both the masculine and feminine energies within you as well as experience and express your shadow.
Ashik’s sessions are intuitive and tailored to your individual needs. He will draw on his extensive studies of Tantra, Learning Love, breath work, shamanism, somatic experience, abdominal and ecstatic massage. Using some or all of these techniques to assist you in discovering your true potential and ultimate freedom.
This is an opportunity for you to release all obstacles to feeling yourself, to be present, to still the mind, dropping into true presence. Acknowledge the fear inside, and connect with the divine beings that we all are. When we have this eagle eye view, we can experience that everything is sacred and divine, there is no attachment to the pain and suffering, pain is energy, allow yourself to feel it, and don’t block any feelings. Feel the beauty of both pain and pleasure. Connect with the wisdom and magnetic field of the heart in what will be a sacred experience.
*Ashik is currently on a sabbatical and not taking bookings at this time.